Home > 自然災害 > 地震 日本語 Deutsch English 大企業の非常食備蓄 Mar 05, 2012 22:24:32 Category: Disaster Prevention 2011年3月11日の東日本大震災の折、交通機関が完全にストップした為に帰宅難民となった。その際、常駐先のお客様より非常食を頂いた。社員+常駐BP全員に配っても余りある程の備蓄量に感動を覚えた。 配布された非常職の内訳はサバイバルパンとフルーツの缶詰。 日本語 Deutsch English Username Guest Credibility高い Notvorrat an Lebensmitteln in einem Unternehmen Mar 05, 2012 22:24:34 Category: Disaster Prevention Infolge des großen Erdbebens am 11. März 2011 kam es im betroffenen Gebiet zu einem Totalausfall des Transportnetzes. Auch ich saß bei einem Kunden im Katastrophengebiet fest und konnte nicht nach Hause. Das Unternehmen des Kunden verfügte über einen Notvorrat an Lebensmitteln. Dieser war ausreichend groß um die gesamte Belegschaft sowie Besucher zu versorgen. Der Notvorrat bestand aus „Survival-Brot“ und Obstkonserven. 日本語 Deutsch English Username Guest Credibility高い Emergency supply of food in a company Mar 08, 2012 21:28:51 Category: Disaster Prevention The Great East Japan Earthquake of 11 March 2011 resulted in a total breakdown of the transport network in the affected area. Due to the breakdown I got stuck during a business meeting with a customer and couldn´t go home. Fortunately the company of the customer had an emergency supply of food. The emergency supply was large enough to supply all employees and visitors of the company. The emergency rations consisted of „Survival Bread“ and canned fruit. 日本語 Deutsch English Username Guest Credibility高い Translate result Title: Language: Text: Username: Rate Article Comment Article Comment Article Text[Required](maximum 1000 characters) maximum 1000 characters characters Translate Article Create access to this article in a different language. Choose language 简体中文 español हिन्दी العربية português বাংলা русский язык français بهاس ملايو Bahasa Indonesia فارسی தமிழ் Title[Required](maximum 1000 characters) Text[Required](maximum 1000 characters) maximum 1000 characters characters Username Create access to this article in a different language. There are no comments yet. Report as inappropriate Via this function you can report inappropriate or incorrect content. Report as inappropriate Report as inappropriate [Required](maximum 1000 characters) maximum 1000 characters characters