Home > 交通安全 > 乗用車 日本語 Deutsch English 車のハイビーム May 09, 2012 19:21:41 Category: Car 夜、あまり交通量の多くない道だと、ハイビームで走っている車がいます。 対向車などがいないならいいのですが、すれ違う時に眩しく危険だと思います。 後続車の場合でも、バックミラーにライトが反射して眩しい思いをします。 ハイビームはこまめに切り替えたり、ミラーやフロントガラスで遮光するような機能が欲しいです。 日本語 Deutsch English Username khei Credibility高い Fahren mit Fernlicht May 09, 2012 19:22:15 Category: Car Nachts und auf wenig befahrenen Straßen bietet sich das Fahren mit Fernlicht an. Allerdings sollte nicht vergessen werden bei Gegenverkehr wieder auf Abblendlicht umzuschalten. Ansonsten kann der Fahrer des entgegenkommenden Fahrzeugs so stark geblendet werden, dass es zu einem Unfall kommt. Gleiches gilt bei vorausfahrenden Fahrzeugen. 日本語 Deutsch English Username khei Credibility高い Driving with turned on high beams May 09, 2012 19:21:42 Category: Car At night and on streets with few traffic it is very convenient to drive with turned on high beams. However, one should not forget to switch back to low beams in case of oncoming traffic. Otherwise, the driver of the oncoming vehicle may be blinded to such a degree that an accident occurs. The same applies when a vehicle is going in the same direction in front of you. 日本語 Deutsch English Username khei Credibility高い Translate result Title: Language: Text: Username: Rate Article Comment Article Comment Article Text[Required](maximum 1000 characters) maximum 1000 characters characters Translate Article Create access to this article in a different language. Choose language 简体中文 español हिन्दी العربية português বাংলা русский язык français بهاس ملايو Bahasa Indonesia فارسی தமிழ் Title[Required](maximum 1000 characters) Text[Required](maximum 1000 characters) maximum 1000 characters characters Username Create access to this article in a different language. There are no comments yet. Report as inappropriate Via this function you can report inappropriate or incorrect content. Report as inappropriate Report as inappropriate [Required](maximum 1000 characters) maximum 1000 characters characters