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Safety tips for traveling to Africa

Jan 22, 2015 07:56:23
Category: Africa

The African continent with more than 50 countries is too vast to state more than very general travel safety tips. Some countries are very popular tourist destinations while others face civil war and are extremely dangerous. Also, a state or region which is stable and safe at the moment may face civil unrest due to an outbreak of a disease or political instability in the future.

Check the website of the ministry of foreign affairs of your country for alerts and warnings before you go.

Another issue is health. Depending on your destination you may need vaccines against diseases. Common diseases against which vaccines exist are yellow fever, typhoid, hepatitis A and B, and rabies. There is no vaccine against malaria. Protection against malaria may require taking medication several weeks before your trip. Consult a physician who is specialized on tropical diseases.

Do not drink any tap water and do not have your drink chilled with ice unless you can be 100% sure that the ice will not harm you. Drink bottled water only.

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